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Recognizing Dental Emergencies

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For most dental patients, they know to schedule regular cleanings and X-rays. These appointments are important but not necessarily urgent in nature. Other times, you may need to see a dentist in times of emergency. Dental problems can be hazardous to your health in many ways, so it's essential that you seek proper treatment as soon as you can if you're experiencing one of these emergencies. Read on to determine when it's time to go in for an emergency appointment.

Tooth Pain

Minor tooth pain may not be a dire emergency, but you will definitely need to call your dentist and schedule a time to have them take a look at the cause of your pain. In other cases, however, the pain can be excruciating. If you experience a pulsing feeling where the tooth is located, it could be an abscessed tooth, which can be very dangerous if not treated. Your dentist can prescribe you antibiotics to help kill any infection. Sharp pain or pain when you eat or drink hot and cold items could be an indication of a severe cavity. Those should also be looked at as soon as possible.


If you've been playing sports and you crack or break a tooth, this is certainly a dental emergency. Injuries to the mouth can be serious, and even if the pain subsides, you should still have it looked at immediately. There can often be hidden damages to your mouth when you experience a dental injury, so an emergency dentist should be seen in order for them to diagnose any problems. Cracked teeth can worsen if they're not looked at and treated with haste. Broken teeth can cause major problems later on, so it's important that you seek treatment sooner rather than later. Swelling of the gums can occur after a dental-related injury, which can make the problem even more severe.

Knocked out or Dislodged Teeth

If a tooth has been knocked out or knocked loose, call your dentist immediately. Try to retrieve the knocked-out tooth and bring it with you when you go. Teeth that have been knocked out or loosened can get infected quite easily, so rinse your mouth out with an oral rinse and water to keep it clean. Never try to push a tooth back in yourself, as this can cause more pain and possibly make the tooth go in crooked. Always consult a professional dentist like Dr. Daniel Bade DDS who can handle these types of emergencies to ensure you don't experience any infections or deal with too much pain. 
