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6 Things To Do After A Tooth Extraction

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Do you need to have a tooth extracted and are all set with your upcoming dental appointment to get it done? It will help to know what to do after the tooth extraction is over. 

Have A Ride Ready

Chances are that the anesthesia that the dentist used will be in your system for a while after the tooth extraction is finished. You'll want to have someone come with you to the appointment so that they can drive you home. If not, you'll need to wait in the waiting room for quite some time until you have recovered enough to drive a vehicle. 

Keep The Gauze Applied 

Make sure that you follow all instructions from your dentist when it comes to keeping the gauze applied to the extraction site. They will recommend that you leave the gauze in place so that a blood clot can form where your tooth once was. Ask your dentist for extra gauze so that you can change them with fresh material if the gauze in your mouth becomes too saturated with blood.

Avoid Spitting

Another thing that can disrupt a blood clot from forming is spitting. You may have some odd tastes in your mouth after the extraction procedure, but spitting is only going to make it worse. You will put a lot of pressure on the extraction site by making the motions to spit, which is not good. 

Use A Saltwater Rinse

It is important that you clean out your mouth using a saltwater rinse, which can be made by combining a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. You can swish it around your mouth to clean the area, just as long as you do not spit it out when you are finished. Instead, try to slowly let it flow out of your mouth and into the sink.

Have Medication Ready

You are going to want some pain medication ready to go for after the extraction is finished. If you have a prescription for pain medication, try to get it filled before the day of your procedure. That way, it is ready to take as soon as you get home, which can help you deal with pain and discomfort quickly.

Avoid Straws

You may want to sit back in a chair and drink some cool beverages from a straw, but be aware that this is not a good idea. Straws create pressure in your mouth that can dislodge those blood clots. Sip from a cup rather than use a straw to prevent complications from happening.

Ask a dental professional about tooth extractions and how to care for them for more information. 
