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Can Straightening Your Teeth Help With TMJ?

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Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, is a painful and irritating condition to have. The clicking, popping, and stiffness of the joints controlling the jaw can make you feel like it's hard to do the littlest things like talking and chewing. If you're going through this, you may have wondered if braces could do something to help with the condition. Here's what you should know.

What Causes TMJ

Temporomandibular joint disorder is different for many different people. That is to say, it can be caused by a lot of different things. Some people get TMJ after car accidents, while others do because they grind their teeth too much, and others are simply born with it. There are other explanations and causes, too. So it's worth noting here that braces can't undo TMJ, as braces typically don't tackle the base problem causing TMJ, but that doesn't mean that they're useless. Getting braces can potentially reduce your symptoms.

How Braces Can Help

When the temporomandibular joints aren't functioning properly, any little thing can make it worse. You've probably experienced this for yourself. For example, you may have slept oddly at night or been stressed and grinding your teeth more than usual, only to realize that your jaw hurts more than it usually does.

By preventing this kind of stress on the jaw, or at least diminishing it, you can expect some relief from your TMJ. Braces are able to do this by straightening your teeth and ensuring that your jaw is fully at rest when your mouth is closed. When teeth are sticking up or are leaning over, it can prevent your upper and lower teeth from fully resting against each other, which means that the muscles in your jaw have to pick up the slack and are never fully relaxed. By eliminating this issue with your teeth, your jaw can relax more, and your temporomandibular joints are less likely to be irritated.

What to Expect

Getting braces isn't really a big deal. Your dentist will discuss your needs with you and will evaluate what they can do for your smile and your jaw by taking a series of x-rays and molds of your teeth. If it looks like you're a good candidate, you can start almost immediately and start working towards the straightened smile that will make life easier for you.

If you've been struggling with TMJ pain, consult with an orthodontist to find out how they can help you and to stop going through this on a daily basis.
