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Signs You Need Emergency Dental Treatment

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No one enjoys dealing with tooth pain. While you may think the best thing to do for your pain is to make the next available appointment at your dentist's office, you may want to consider emergency dental service. Although not all dental issues are an emergency, there are some situations in which you could find yourself in so much pain that you cannot wait for a regular dental appointment. The following are some examples of when you may want to consider a dental emergency visit.

Your Toothache Is Unbearable

Tooth pain is unpleasant, but some pain can be completely unbearable. When a toothache is so severe that you cannot partake in your normal daily activities, it is time to seek out emergency dental treatment. You may have a severe problem that needs immediate attention.

One of Your Teeth Is Loose

As an adult, none of your permanent teeth should be loose at all. If you begin to notice that a tooth is loose and begins to move within your gum, you need to seek emergency dental treatment. A loose tooth can be due to many different factors. A tooth injury is the most common cause of loose adult teeth, but some severe infections can lead to loose teeth as well. If your tooth becomes disconnected from the root, it could begin to die. This ultimately will lead to the loss of the tooth. Depending on the location of the tooth, you will then have to consider a dental implant or some other form of tooth replacement.

Your Jaw Is Swollen

When your jaw is swollen, it is likely that you have an infection. Your salivary glands can become painfully infected and cause your jaw to swell up and start to hurt. A tooth abscess can also lead to an infection that can cause jaw swelling as well. No matter the cause, you need immediate emergency dental treatment to start a series of antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

Your Gums Are Sore and Bleeding

Bleeding gums are fairly common. If you see a tinge of blood when you brush your teeth, it may just mean your gums are sensitive or your toothbrush is too harsh. However, if the bleeding becomes excessive and your gums begin to hurt, you may have deeper issues. Chances are you have advanced gum disease that needs attention. Emergency dental care is necessary when the gums bleed profusely and your gums are excruciatingly painful. You could have an infection along with gum disease.
