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What To Do If You Develop A Dental Problem During Coronavirus Lockdown

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Coronavirus is taking the world by storm, and many governments and local officials are choosing to place residents on lockdown in an effort to fight it. If you're in one of these areas and develop a dental problem, what are you to do? Here's your answer.

Treat It Gently

First off, how you care for your dental problem at home can make a big difference. It ultimately depends on the problem, but issues like gum disease and cavities don't need to be furiously brushed or flossed to manage them. Being too rough with your gums and teeth can actually do more damage than good, so put aside the mindset that rougher is better. For now, keep up your dental hygiene routine but be gentle and use soft strokes.

Check Local Laws

Next, take a look at your local laws regarding where and when you can go out. The vast majority of officials have declared that it's okay to leave your home for essentials, which includes things like grocery shopping and visiting a doctor. As long as your local law enforcement has said the same, there shouldn't be anything keeping you from visiting your local dentist. If you're not entirely sure and can't find information about it online, try contacting your local police department's non-emergency number to ask.

Visit the Dentist

Now, in an ordinary situation, visiting a dentist would be one of the first things you would do for your teeth or gums when they develop a problem. But what about when there's a dangerous virus going around?

The important thing to remember is that dental offices are extraordinarily clean because they have to be. It's for the safety of everyone even when there isn't an illness going around. In addition, dentists always wear gloves and masks, so you're not going to have any dangerous viruses introduced to you while you're being taken care of. In fact, you're probably safer seeing your dentist than sharing space with someone at the grocery store!

This is definitely a scary time for everyone, and precautions like lockdowns are necessary in order to keep everyone safe from the virus. But that doesn't mean that you should ignore your oral health, especially if you think that you have a problem. Waiting will likely only make it worse, so plan on getting to the dentist's office as soon as possible to have your condition examined and treated as needed.

Contact a family dentist for more information.
