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FAQs About Dentures

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Dentures are one of the best solutions to help restore a mouth full of missing teeth. With so many misconceptions out there about dentures, it's good to know a few answers to some frequently asked questions. 

Will I Lose My Jaw Bone When Wearing Dentures? 

When you don't have anything in your gums, like natural teeth or dental implants, you may start to lose bone mass in your jaw which gives people a collapsed look around their mouth. If you wear the same set of dentures without having them changed every five or so years, you may experience this, but if you work closely with a trusted dentist, they should refit your dentures for you so that you don't experience much bone loss, if any.

Will They Look Natural?

As long as you go with a type of denture that isn't too white or the teeth aren't too perfect, they will look natural. Your dentist will show you different denture options during one of your first consultations to make sure you pick a set that you are satisfied with. 

Will They Slip When I Eat? 

When you have a lot of saliva in your mouth, it can cause your dentures to rub against your gums, especially in the beginning. When this happens, it can sometimes lead to gum sores and irritation. While your mouth may get used to this, you may want to try a dental adhesive. Adhesives work to help stabilize your dentures and prevent them from slipping around when you are chewing or speaking. 

Do I Sleep With My Dentures In?

No, most dentists recommend that patients take out their dentures at night when they are sleeping, because they can be uncomfortable. Additionally, when you soak your dentures in a  solution overnight, you can keep them as clean as possible. Just make sure that you soak them in a brand-new solution every night so that bacteria doesn't grow on them. 

Do I Brush My Dentures? 

In addition to soaking your dentures in a solution every night, you should also be brushing them before bed and when you wake up in the morning. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush will help you cut down on plaque buildup which can weaken your dentures over time. 

If you want to learn a little bit more about full dentures, you can reach out to a dental professional near you. 
