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How Can You Make Your Dental Cleaning Less Painful?

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Some people avoid their dental cleaning appointments simply because the cleaning is uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to make the cleaning as pain-free as possible. Keep reading to learn about them.

Floss Every Day

Some people believe that bleeding gums are the result of dental hygienists who are a bit too rough. This is not true though. Typically, the bleeding is the result of inflamed and infected gums that have already been affected by bacterial activity. Once the bacteria make their home within the delicate tissues, the immune system responds with increased activity and a rush of blood to the region. Disturbing the engorged tissues will easily cause bleeding and pain.

To prevent the bleeding episodes, you need to floss at home every day. You have the option of using regular dental floss or a water flosser. If your gums are already sensitive, then a water device may be your best option. Regardless of the tool that you choose, you should be cleaning underneath the gum tissues. Most bacteria will gather in the flaps of tissue that surround the right and left sides of the teeth. So, spend some time flushing these pockets with fluid. 

If you are successful with your cleaning regimen, you will see a reduction in bleeding within about one to two weeks. And, you should feel little to no soreness during your next dental cleaning. 

Do Not Brush Aggressively

If your dentist has informed you that you have a great deal of tartar and plaque, then you may want to start brushing aggressively at home. However, this is likely to make the situation worse, especially when it comes to sensitivities in the dental chair. When you brush too hard, you will bruise and damage the gums. Over time, this can cause significant gum recession since the tissues do not have time to heal before you brush again.

Also, if you are using a highly aggressive technique, you can actually score and scrape the dental enamel. This leaves a thin layer of protective material on the teeth and sensitivities will increase. 

Brushing requires just the right pressure. If you find that you are having trouble with your cleaning, then purchase an electronic toothbrush. These brushes use fast motions to clean the teeth with very little pressure required. Consider buying one with a small motor that oscillates the brush will stop if you place too much pressure on the bristles to easily prevent an aggressive brushing technique.

To schedule your next dental cleaning, reach out a dentist like those at Family Dentistry Of Woodstock.
