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What Happens When You Get A Root Canal?

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If you have a tooth that has an infection on the inside, your dentist will recommend a root canal in order to fix it. This is a procedure that can often scare a lot of people, but it is very routine and safe to have done. Here is what you can expect when having a root canal done.

Dental Sedation

If you are feeling nervous about having a root canal, a dentist may prescribe you oral sedation medication. It is designed to relax you prior to the appointment so that you do not feel anxiety about the root canal procedure. You'll need to take this medication well before you arrive at the office, so you'll need to arrange to have a friend or family member take you to the dentist since you are not allowed to drive a vehicle while sedated.

Anesthesia & Preparation

You'll receive anesthesia in order to numb the part of your mouth that needs the root canal. This is typically done with Novocaine, which will make it so that you do not feel any pain. A rubber dam will then be placed in your mouth to prevent anything from going down your throat or touching another tooth. Since the dentist will be removing infected pulp, this is for your own safety to keep everything clean and dry.

Decay Removal & Disinfecting

The crown of the tooth will be hollowed out to get to the root of the tooth. All existing decay will need to be eliminated and a hole made that is big enough to get to the canals of the tooth. A disinfectant is then used to kill any bacteria in the canals. 

Pulp Removal & Filling

Your dentist will use small instruments that help shape and clean the canals of the tooth all at the same time. Once it is clean, the canals can then be filled with a sealant so that the canals of the teeth are no longer hollow. A filling is placed into the tooth so that it is sealed and no debris or bacteria can get into the canals of the tooth.


A crown or filling will then be used to restore the tooth to the way it once looked and functioned. If the structure of the tooth is stable, a simple filling will be used to fill in the rest of the tooth. If the tooth is not stable, a crown will be necessary to ensure that the tooth does not break. 
