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Four Benefits Of Dental Implants

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Oral health and hygiene are crucial for your overall health, especially as you begin to age. When your teeth and gums are not in the best shape possible, other issues may arise leaving you in a constant state of pain or discomfort. Dental implants are a unique alternative to dentures, but knowing what is right for you might be a challenge. Here are a few benefits of having a dental implant procedure. Always talk with your dentist about the options that work best for your oral health needs.

A Natural Look

During a dental implant procedure, artificial teeth are placed in the place of your regular tooth, all the way up to the root of the tooth. By doing this, the artificial teeth not only function like your normal teeth once did, but they also look more natural than dentures. Many people who wear dentures face confidence issues, especially in social settings where you have to worry about them falling out. With dental implants, you can relax knowing the artificial teeth will not fall out. 

Easier to Eat and Speak

Certain foods you once ate can be difficult to eat with dentures, but with dental implants you can continue to eat the foods you have always loved. The process of chewing is also easier with implants because the teeth are anchored to the bones inside your mouth, thus making it nearly impossible for them to fall out. Dentures can cause lisps or other speech impediments which might affect your confidence as well as your social confidence and interactions. Without the extra hardware in your mouth due to a dental implant procedure, you will notice that your speech is clearer, too. 


Much like people without dentures or dental implants, maintenance of your teeth is crucial to staying healthy regardless of the state of your oral health. With a dental implant procedure, regular cleanings and check-ups with your dentist will preserve the life of your implants and help prevent any issues or discomfort from arising. Dental implants are made to last, and will improve your confidence, smile, and overall health.

Preservation of Other Teeth

In a situation where dentures are needed, all of the teeth must be removed to properly fit in your artificial teeth. This is not the case with dental implants! By removing only the tooth that is causing issues, you are able to preserve the rest of your teeth for a more natural look. In your dental implant procedure, you will have a smile you can love without losing all of your teeth.
