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Why Have Your Family Dentist Make A Custom Mouthguard

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Do you have a child that is about to start playing contact sports, and you want to make sure they are well protected? If so, it is worth visiting your family dentist and have them make a custom mouth guard for your child. This will help protect their teeth as they continue to grow in and give them more protection if they are wearing braces. Here are some reasons why it's worth having a customer mouth guard made.

Regular Mouth guards Aren't Comfortable

If you are buying a mouth guard for your kid to use, you want to encourage them to use it all the time while playing sports. Unfortunately, they can't monitor what they do all the time. If the mouth guard you get off the shelf for them is not comfortable, they are not going to wear it at a time that they need the protection the most.

By getting a custom mouth guard from your dentist, it will be customer made for their teeth. This ensures that it is as comfortable as can be, and will give your child one less reason to wear it during contact sports. 

Misaligned Teeth Are At A Higher Risk Of Being Damaged

Does your child have teeth that are misaligned, and you are waiting to get braces for the issues to be corrected? These teeth that protrude outward are likely to be damaged while playing contact sports, because of how they will be the first tooth to feel any impact trauma that happens to their face. Even though their teeth are not perfect, wearing a mouth guard is just as important. You want to reduce the risk of facial trauma if they were hit in the mouth, and a mouth guard will prevent all teeth from being damaged. 

Protect Orthodontic Work

If your kid has already gone through an orthodontic treatment, you may be well aware of how much work it took to get their teeth in perfect alignment. The last thing you want to have happen is for a tooth to get knocked out while playing a sport, and for their smile to not look as perfect as it once did. A mouth guard will help protect all the time and money that you've spent on braces to ensure that your kid's teeth remain straight. 

These are just a few reasons that it can be beneficial for your child to use a custom mouth guard. Reach out to your family dentist for more information.   
