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Be Aware Of The Following Dental Emergencies

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Many people that experience dental pain often describe it as one of the most painful experiences that they have had. When the pain is internalized inside your tooth, there is nothing you can really do about it until you see a dentist. Here are a few examples of dental emergencies that you may have to deal with.


A toothache can be caused by many reasons, some more traumatic than others. A tooth is essentially like a piece of glass that can fracture from being put under tremendous pressure, with the fracture causing you to experience a lot of pain. Teeth grinding can also lead to toothaches from the irregular contact that your teeth are making. Untreated tooth decay will go deep within a tooth, and eventually cause the nerve to feel sensitive and painful. Even an infection or dental abscess can cause a toothache.

Your dentist may need to treat a toothache by either extracting the tooth or having a root canal performed. If the root is infected, an antibiotic is not going to be enough to treat this painful tooth that is causing you a toothache, so you may need to resort to emergency oral surgery to remove the tooth completely. 


If you fractured a tooth due to a traumatic accident, this would require an emergency dental procedure to fix it. If the root of the tooth can be saved, your dentist may recommend a root canal to save as much of the tooth as possible. However, extraction may be the only option is there is very little natural tooth left. The removed tooth can then be replaced with an implant or dental bridge, as a long-lasting solution that will restore the tooth and your smile

Lost Tooth

It is possible that you lose an entire tooth due to trauma, and the tooth and its root is completely intact. You need to carefully pick up the tooth by its crown, avoid touching the root, and place it in a cup of milk or your own saliva to prevent the tooth from drying out. A dentist can then reinsert the tooth back into the socket if you act quickly enough. The faster you react to losing a tooth, the greater chance you have of saving the tooth 

In a situation where you suffered trauma to your mouth or have a painful tooth? Reach out to your dentist to find out what surgical procedure is recommended to fix it. 
