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What Are The Signs That You Have A Cavity?

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Are you unsure if you have a cavity in your tooth and need to visit a dentist? Here are some signs that you have a cavity.

Sensitivity To Hot And Cold

One of the first things you may notice is that the tooth is much more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. This can happen when you are drinking a cold beverage and the liquid washes over the spot where the cavity is located or when you bite into hot food and the heat comes in contact with the tooth. This is because the temperature from what you're eating is getting through the layer of tooth enamel through the cavity, which is causing the temperature to go down to the nerve of the tooth and cause that jolt of discomfort. Having the decay removed and the tooth filled will prevent this from happening.

Irritation From Sugary Foods

Your tooth can also be incredibly sensitive to sweet foods when you eat them. When that sugary food comes in contact with your tooth, you may feel a small jolt of discomfort that is caused by the food coming in contact with the part of your tooth that has the cavity. This is not good, because it means that the sugar that causes the tooth to breakdown is getting into the part of the tooth that has a cavity. 

Pain That Is Spontaneous

It's also possible that the pain you feel is completely spontaneous, where it comes on at random and puts you in a lot of discomfort before it goes away again. While this type of pain is typically associated with a dental abscess, it can also be from a cavity. It also may feel like a dull ache, which is your body telling you that something is wrong and that you need to have the tooth inspected.

Pain When Biting

Tooth pain can come and go, but be concerned when you feel it when biting down on the tooth. This means that there is some decay in the tooth, and the tooth pulp inside the tooth is damaged. Your cavity is likely in a later stage where more damage has been done to the tooth, which will require removing more decay and putting in a bigger filling. 

If you have a suspicion that you have a cavity, reach out to a dentist to have the tooth examined. Catching the problem early will result in less decay and a bigger chance of saving the tooth.

Call a dentist office, such as Rupp and Grabowski Family Dentistry, to make an appointment.
