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Undergoing A Dental Extraction For Your Wisdom Teeth

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For most people, their wisdom teeth can be a source of problems, and this will result in them needing to undergo a dental extraction. When an extraction is required, a patient may not fully be prepared, understand what this procedure will be like, or why it may be so important.

Can Failing to Remove Wisdom Teeth Result in Serious Problems for Patients?

Failing to remove wisdom teeth is a mistake that can have profound and long-lasting impacts on a person's smile and dental health. For example, it is possible for the wisdom teeth to cause the other teeth to shift positions, which can lead to crowding and alignment issues. Furthermore, teeth that are crowded are at a much greater risk of suffering decay, as a result of individuals failing to properly clean them. Lastly, a patient may also suffer intense pain due to the wisdom teeth. These issues can lead to a person needing to schedule an extraction as soon as possible, so that these complications can be avoided, or at least limited as much as possible.

How Should You Prepare to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

Having your wisdom teeth extracted is a minor surgical procedure, but patients will likely still need to take a few steps to prepare for this procedure. For example, it is likely that they are will have difficulty eating solid foods for the first several days following the procedure. Spending a little time preparing soft foods can help a patient to have a more pleasant recovery. On the day of the extraction, you will want to be sure to thoroughly brush and rinse your mouth with sanitizing mouthwash, as this can reduce the risk of an infection developing after the procedure.

What Are the Complications That a Patient May Experience after Their Wisdom Teeth Are Extracted?

Following the extraction, you will want to focus on keeping your mouth as clean as possible. However, there are other types of potential causes of complications following an extraction. One of these will be dry sockets. These painful problems occur when the scab over the extraction site gets pulled up, enough to create a small air pocket. Eventually, this can create a serious infection that will have to be treated. Unfortunately, it can be caused by any excessive suction. To minimize your risk of developing dry sockets, you will have to avoid the use of straws until after the extraction site as fully healed. Fortunately, the extraction site will heal relatively quickly, and most patients will find that they are back to normal in as little as a few days.

For more information about wisdom teeth, reach out to a local dentist.
