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What To Eat After A Dental Implant Surgery

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After you have finished your dental implant surgery, you might be very hungry and you might be looking for something to eat. However, you may want to be careful about what you eat until you have recovered fully from your surgery. You'll want to speak with your dental implant surgeon about what you can do immediately after your surgery.

Before the Surgery

Speak with your dental implant surgeon about whether you should eat specific foods before the surgery. You should not consume any food or beverages six to eight hours prior to the surgery.

The First Six Hours After Your Surgery

Speak with your dental implant surgeon regarding how soon you'll be able to eat. Before eating, you will want to remove the gauze sponges that were placed in your mouth. Eating may give you discomfort but you will generally not want to skip meals after your implant surgery. The food you eat will give you the strength to heal more quickly. This will allow you to heal more quickly. 

While your mouth is still numb, you will want to eat soft foods such as yogurt, ice cream, pudding, and applesauce. However, if you have any medical condition and you have special eating habits that are required, you will want to follow the recommendations of your dental implants specialist.

Foods to Avoid

There are certain foods you should avoid because you do not want to damage your implants and slow down your treatment. Avoid eating foods that are tough, very hot, acidic, spicy, sticky, chewy, or crunchy. Ideally, eat soft and cold foods that are easy to chew. Soups, milk, and shakes are among the best options. Avoid using a draw or anything else that requires suction. If you are not sure what foods you should eat, talk to your dentist about the best options. 

After two weeks, you can start eating foods that are considered fork-tender. You will not want to eat chewy foods such as pizza crusts. For your protein, great examples include boiled fish,  beef stroganoff, eggs, meatloaf, and roasted chicken.

Avoid Alcoholic Beverages and Smoking

Alcohol and cigarettes can slow down your healing and are generally bad for your health. Avoid consuming any recreational drugs as well. If you are on any medications, inform your dental implant surgeon about them. After the surgery, it is always essential to communicate frequently with your dentist so you can make sure that you recover and your treatment is a success.
