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How A Cosmetic Dentistry Office Can Improve Your Smile

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If you're feeling self-conscious because of the appearance of your teeth, a cosmetic dentistry office can offer you treatment options that can improve your smile. Whether your teeth have been affected by age, mouth injuries, or neglect, a cosmetic dentist will work to correct any imperfections so that you will be able to face the world with greater confidence. Here are some of the ways that cosmetic dentistry can change your smile for the better.

Whiter Teeth

Teeth that are discolored because of food or beverage stains, tobacco use, or old age can make a smile less beautiful. Thanks to the advanced teeth whitening treatment that a cosmetic dentistry office can offer you, your teeth can be made several shades whiter. The treatment works to turn yellow and darker sections of teeth whiter so that each tooth can once again look new and healthy. During your treatment, a special light will be emitted on your teeth to work concurrently with a solution that has been applied to them to achieve the desired whitening effect.

Misalignment Correction

Teeth that are crooked or misaligned in other ways can affect the way that you chew and speak along with your appearance. Invisalign, which is a treatment that uses clear aligner trays to straighten teeth, can help correct misalignments the same way that standard metal braces can. One of the main advantages of Invisalign is that you can wear the aligner trays over your teeth easily without drawing unwanted attention to yourself from other people while wearing them. The aligner trays are also easy to remove and clean whenever necessary.

Tooth Damage Concealment

Not all tooth damage requires invasive dental procedures to fix. Chips and other surface damage don't always affect the health of teeth but can still take away from the beauty of your smile. Teeth may also be at uneven lengths because of damage or natural factors, and the unevenness can impact your smile further. Veneers and other cosmetic dental treatments can hide these imperfections and give teeth a natural, healthy look. Dental crowns are also known to work well in correcting teeth that are damaged, uneven, or misshaped.

Seeing a cosmetic dentist will likely prove to be one of the best investments that you will ever make in improving your physical appearance. With the right treatment, you can experience great results that will make you want to show off your beautiful new smile even more.
