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4 Ways To Reduce Bad Breath

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Do you have bad breath and are not quite sure why? If so, know that this is a problem that your dentist will be able to answer due to how it relates to your oral health. Here are a few things that you will definitely want to know about bad breath and how you can fix it on your own. 

Tongue Cleaning Can Reduce Bad Breath

Many people know how important it is to brush and floss every single day, but then ignore their tongue. The tongue is one of the top sources of bad breath. There is so much bacteria that collects on your tongue, and then your breath flows right over it when it goes out of your mouth. Thankfully, it's very easy to clean your tongue. You can use your regular toothbrush to brush your tongue, or get a tongue scraper that will really get it clean. 

Flossing Can Reduce Bad Breath

If you've ever gone a while without flossing, you may even notice that the stuff that comes out between your teeth has a noticeable odor to it. That's why another common reason that people have bad breath is because they do not floss their teeth. Flossing every single day plays an important role in having clean breath because your mouth has to be clean of bacteria in every possible place. 

Dental Cleanings Can Reduce Bad Breath

If you now want to start taking care of your oral health to eliminate bad breath, know that you still may not be doing everything that you can by scraping your tongue and flossing regularly. That is because plaque can easily turn into tartar, which is going to have an odor to it. That tartar is stuck to your teeth as well, and it won't come off with regular brushing or flossing. 

You'll need to visit a dentist to have a dental cleaning performed, since they have the tools capable of removing plaque and preventing that bad odor from staying in your mouth. Then you can head home and keep up on your daily oral health routine.

Drinking More Water Can Reduce Bad Breath

Doing all you can and still have bad breath? It could be due to dry mouth. If your mouth is not producing saliva as much as it should, that bacteria is going to be more likely to grow in your mouth and cause bad breath during the day. One way to treat this is by simply drinking more water during the day, which will help wash away food particles that cause your breath to smell. 

Contact a local dental service, such as Total Dentistry, to learn more. 
